CPR or Cost Per Registration Advertising
Increase registration on your website and application
When you advertise using CPR, you pay for each registration on the website or application; Normally, part of your investment is wasted without any results, but we take care of the entire process of producing and publishing the advertising content, and you receive absolutely no charges for it. We display your content on international platforms, search engines, and social networks and encourage your audience to register on your website, software, or application. You will be charged a fee only if a client registers.
Cost Per Registration
In regard to the services you offer, we prepare a list of your target audience’s personalities, interests, and characteristics, and develop CPR advertising campaigns in the form of banners, matches, videos, interactive, push, text, mobile, etc., on international networks and platforms. We select websites that your audience has the most presence (Google, Google Display Network, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, messengers) and direct those interested in your services to sign up for your application or website.
How Much Does It Cost to Register for CPR Advertising?
Registration costs are based on the number of users currently using the app, target audience, number of users required, geography, competitors’ activity, presence in app stores, type of information needed for registration, number of information fields, attractive content, and landing page quality. We determine the cost per user for your campaign approximately seven to ten days after we publish the CPR ads.
When your campaign is not optimized yet, the costs of each conversion are higher in the beginning. As soon as your campaign is continuously optimized, the conversion costs will start to decrease gradually. Once you know the price of each registration, you only need to decide how much you want to spend per month on the number of users.
The Procedure of Result-oriented CPR